Thanks For Your Interest
Here is the info you are looking for:
The name of this person is: Gino Niccolli
His company is:
He conducts a live class every Wednesday at 8:30 pm (est)
The classes are always FREE... and he will explain why during the first 5 minutes of the class.
You will need to register for the class at, and to confirm your registration. The process will take about 3 minutes.
See you in class on Wednesday.
PS: When asked... tell them Patrick sent you
The name of this person is: Gino Niccolli
His company is:
He conducts a live class every Wednesday at 8:30 pm (est)
The classes are always FREE... and he will explain why during the first 5 minutes of the class.
You will need to register for the class at, and to confirm your registration. The process will take about 3 minutes.
See you in class on Wednesday.
PS: When asked... tell them Patrick sent you